We have bats!
We have bats!
Many of our guests are aware that we share our home with a number of these delightful little creatures. Indeed, we have often found guests in the dark, huddled round a
window, watching their antics as they fly in and out our ‘bat cave’. Wanting to know more, we have been involved with the North Devon Bat Project. We have been able to borrow a bat detector which works by converting the echolocation ultrasound signals, emitted by a bat, to audible frequencies. This can be used to identify the different species that live here or visit us. Last October, (2018), when the detector was placed close to the house, 14 different species were identified. This May, we placed the detector further away from the house,
towards the middle of the garden. This time 9 different species were detected. The North Devon Bat Project have asked if someone from the Project can do a site visit to find out who shares our home. We will update the blog once we have more information so watch this page... Did you know that the saying ‘blind as a bat’ is not accurate? Bats have quite good eyesight!